Asset Data Asset Data For Resales Please use this form to tell us about all the Asset Data you currently hold for your business as this will need to be handed over to the new purchaser at the time of completion. Name First Last PARENTS EMAIL ADDRESSES: Use this form to tell us how many email addresses you have of parents who attended your classes. Don't add the email addresses in this space. Just tell us approx how many.(Required)FORMAT: With regards to the above question, please provide further details as to how these email addresses are stored (e.g on an excel spreadsheet)(Required)OTHER EMAIL ADDRESSES: Use this space to tell us how many other email addresses you hold. This might be from a waiting list, a 'Be The First To Know' form if you had one or emails stored on a platform such as Mailchimp.(Required)FACEBOOK PAGE FOLLOWERS: Please tell us how many followers/likes you have on your Facebook Page(Required)PARENT GROUP FACEBOOK: Please tell us how many members are currently in your Facebook Parents Group. If you do not have a group - write 'I do not have a group'.(Required)INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS: Please tell us how many followers you currently have on your Instagram Account. If you don't have an Instagram Account, please write 'I do not have an Instagram Account'.(Required)VENUES: Please use this space to list all of the venues that you were previously operating in (include name and postcode).(Required)EARLY YEARS SETTINGS: Please use this space to tell us of any settings where you offered classes (schools, nurseries, preschools etc)(Required) Δ